Michael Frith: “I just started out in children’s books.

“doing everything from specials to films to Fraggles.” I first picked up a puppet in New Orleans 40 years ago.” She ended up working on “The Muppet Movie,” and Jim Henson hired her as a puppeteer. I just fell into it totally accidentally. Kathryn Mullen: “Karen had ambition and wanted to be a puppeteer, and she did it. in high school I made a puppet in Muppet style and sent a videotape to the Jim Henson company in 1979, right when they were looking for puppeteers for ‘Sesame Street’.” She auditioned with Jim Henson and was hired. I tried animating something and decided I wanted to try being a puppeteer. at the same time I was very interested in Disney animation. Karen Prell: “I started out as a kid seeing the Muppets on TV on Jimmy Dean. How did they get their start in the world of Fraggles? Only the appearance of a Doozer could have made the experience any better. I’ve loved “Fraggle Rock” since I first saw the series, and my inner child squealed in delight when Red and Mokey Fraggle interacted before my eyes.
#Mokey fraggle series
To help celebrate the 30 th anniversary of the beloved television series “Fraggle Rock,” Karen Prell (Red Fraggle), Kathryn Mullen (Mokey Fraggle), and Michael Frith (co-creater and designer of Fraggle Rock) spoke with media and attended several panels at Dragon Con, recently held in Atlanta. INTERVIEW: Red and Mokey Fraggle of “Fraggle Rock”